Elizabeth Douglas Cigarettes Smokers

Elizabeth Douglas Cigarettes Smokers
This blog only Cigarettes smokers not weed smokers.

 A story.    Sometimes today i light a cigarette i look around see anybody looking like family or friends or anybody in general. I only 1 run in. Back At mall i age 21 i had security guard walk up to me smoking by water  fountain at mall you could smoke inside buildings.  He said you do  not look legal age cigarette smoke please let see your I. D.  i show him my driving license said im 21.  He said sorry can bum a cigarette from you. I gave him 1. After that afternoon he saw me he always nice. Sometimes Christmas he buy me pack Cigarettes for Christmas. I miss great days as i ws younger. 

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Me again Elizabeth Douglas.

Me Elizabeth Douglas again I found  2 videos myself I  made back in 2015 and  2017  on my Facebook timeline I share with y'all. Enjoy an...

Elizabeth Douglas Cigarettes Smokers